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How to Store Wine: Expert Tips from Martin's

Fri, Aug 09, 24

Ah, the joy of discovering a new favorite wine — from bright notes on the palate to the gentle glide as it settles in your glass. But for any wine lover, nothing can be more heart-wrenching than a ruined bottle due to improper storage. Here at Martin’s, we believe every drop of wine should be savored. And so, we bring you our guide on how to store wine.

Temperature Control Is Key

The delicate balance of how to store wine hinges on a consistent temperature. If it’s too warm, your wine might age prematurely, losing those coveted nuances faster than you can say, “Merlot.” Think of your wine as a diva — it hates being too hot or too cold. To prevent your wine from throwing a tantrum and spoiling, keep it resting comfortably, ideally between 55-58°F for the most popular wine types. 

Cork Needs Humidity

Did you know wine thrives with a bit of humidity? Too dry, and your corks will act like sponges, drying out and letting air sneak in, turning your wine into vinegar. Too moist, and get ready for a mold fest. Maintain humidity levels around 70%, and your corks will be eternally grateful. 

Limit Light Exposure

Shine bright, but not on your wines. The ultraviolet rays in sunlight can degrade and prematurely age the wine, muddling the magic blend of flavors. 

White wines are particularly sensitive to light due to their lower tannin and antioxidant levels. This makes them prone to off-flavors and premature aging. Storing them in a cool, dark place helps preserve their delicate flavors and aromas.

It’s worth noting that all wines can be affected by light to some extent. While red wines are generally more resilient due to higher tannin levels, prolonged exposure can still deteriorate quality. Therefore, if you are wondering how to store wine, staying away from direct sunlight is best to maintain its quality and aging potential.

Keep Your Bottles Still

Remember, good wine prefers a still place to sit. While it shouldn’t be an issue for most unless you live near a train station, vibrations can disturb sediment and balance, affecting aging. Store your bottles in a dim, serene spot where they can rest undisturbed.

If you’re short on space, consider investing in wine racks designed to minimize vibration or placing a layer of foam or rubber beneath your wine storage area to absorb any unwanted movement. Your wine will thank you with each perfectly aged sip!

To Stand or Lie Down? That Is the Question

Red, white, or bubbly, each bottle has its preference for how to lounge. Should your bottles stand tall or take a nap? Well, wine likes to lie down.

Laying wine bottles horizontally keeps the liquid against the cork, ensuring it stays moist to prevent oxygen from getting inside and spoiling the wine.

For sparkling wines, storing them upright helps maintain their bubbly effervescence by minimizing the surface area in contact with the wine. Knowing the best position for each type ensures they age gracefully and are enjoyed at their best when uncorked.

Do All Wines Age With Grace?

Like the rings of a tree, each year can spell a deeper story for your wine. From bottling to uncorking, the storied arc of its life should be respected. Not all wines are destined for the long haul, though, so get to know which ones favor the beauty of age and which demand a quick pour.

At-Home Wine Wisdom

For the stay-at-home sipper, mastering how to store your wine can become second nature. Keep your home’s ambient temperature steady between 45°F and 65°F and away from your kitchen or laundry room mechanics. A little nook under the stairs or a spare closet can become your at-home cellar.

The Merits of a Wine Storage System

For true enthusiasts, investing in a specialized wine cooler or storage system can be a game-changer. Offering precise temperature and humidity control, these sanctuaries for your Sauvignon Blancs and your Pinot Noirs ensure that each sip is as remarkable as it should be.

The Care for Bottle Openers

Once opened, the wine begins to tell a different tale. Seal them tight — the less air, the better. Reds last a couple of days, whereas whites and rosés might last a bit longer.

Ready to Find Your Next Favorite Wine?

With these tips, you’re on your way to becoming the envy of every wine enthusiast on the block. Plus, now that you know how to store wine, it’s time to visit Martin’s and find the perfect bottle to add to your collection. 

Ready to stock up on your favorite wines or need more tips? Call your nearest Martin’s and discover the flavors that await your next pour. Our staff will be delighted to help you find your perfect bottle. 

By gatorworksweb@gmail.com